SEO Pro tip for meta descriptions

Something less known and discussed when in comes to meta descriptions: Don’t include double quotation marks (“…”) in them. Google’s search engines understand double quotation marks as HTML code and this can result in your meta description becoming truncated at the first quote mark, meaning the search engines will cut off the end of the description and replace it with …

International SEO tactic for artists

One of my favorite tool these days is KeywordsEverywhere. It’s an add-on with both a free and a paid version that every time you watch YouTube clips shows you the tags that were used for those clips. That’s how I accidentally stumbled upon tags like the ones in the image bellow, which I found to be a genius tactic for …

19 reasons why you are not getting online sales from your ads (and ways to fix)

1. You are not targeting the right people – test different audiences (ex: gender, age groups, locations, interests, interactions with site, devices, relationships, spendings)   2. You are not targeting people at the right time – target to reach the most motivated people (ex: days&hours, life events coming up)   3. You keep targeting the same people – create new audiences, …

The odd SEO factor you should be focusing on

SEO people talk about RankBrain, but let’s talk a little about how the actual brain actually works. More exactly about how our brains work when we search through it for some information we need, such as “where did I leave my keys”? or “how was that movie called”? No matter what the popular Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, besides …

Great SEO tools you’ve probably never heard of until now

We usually discover some great tools and stick to them, while ignoring there is a whole world of other tools we haven’t used or even discovered yet. So in this article, I am assuming you already know all the great popular free SEO tools, and I will try and present some lest know but very useful SEO tools, by category: 1. Keyword Research …

Facebook reporting time

Are you making this Facebook Ads mistake?

Another great tip I found in Neil Patel’s latest posts is one related to Facebook ads which I think 90% of marketers do. If you haven’t changed the default settings on Facebook, you’re probably running your ads 24 hours a day. While this can be great if you’re targeting international Facebook users around the globe, it can also be a …

Youtube growth hack

3 Growth Hacks used by huge sites in the beginning

Growth hacks are creative marketing techniques which can really help a site grow without spending too much of a budget. Neil Patel’s latest post 20 Uncommon Marketing Strategies mentioned some really interesting ones, used by now really huge sites. They must have done something right, so I say let’s study them and apply if they fit: Hosting contests Apparently, YouTube grew to …